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quadruple block造句

"quadruple block"是什么意思  
  • This design expanded on the Quadruple Block Plan and included several social levels.
  • For Roberts, Wright also developed the Quadruple Block Plan of 1900-1903.
  • His thoughts on suburban design started in 1900 with a proposed subdivision layout for Charles E . Roberts entitled the " Quadruple Block Plan . " This design strayed from traditional suburban lot layouts and set houses on small square blocks of four equal-sized lots surrounded on all sides by roads instead of straight rows of houses on parallel streets.
  • It's difficult to see quadruple block in a sentence. 用quadruple block造句挺难的
如何用quadruple block造句,用quadruple block造句quadruple block in a sentence, 用quadruple block造句和quadruple block的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。